Moje zdjęcie
Uczeń LO im. Ma­­ła­chow­skie­go w Płoc­ku. Lubi czy­tać książ­ki. Ma du­żo po­my­słów, jed­nak za­zwy­czaj ma­ło chę­ci lub nie­do­bór umie­jęt­no­ści na ich re­ali­za­cję. In­te­re­su­je się pro­gra­mo­wa­niem. Bie­rze udział w kon­kur­sie po to aby na­uczyć się cze­goś no­we­go. Ocze­ku­je na kon­struk­tyw­ną kry­ty­kę.

poniedziałek, 16 sierpnia 2010

100: Plan of creating database system

Workstation ready, basics of using Subversion learned - so that's time to start creating database system, which is phase one. I've decided to divide it into four parts:

Part one: organization of tree structure

The point of this part is to create a germ of ldbBase class, which contains only fields responsible for placing posts in the tree structure. Also the ldbBase class will be written. It will let to store all posts and access entrylines and branches quickly.

Part two: Single entry

During this part class ldbEntry will be a star. It will be expanded with fields, which will let the class fulfill its duty - storing a single entry. Properties storing such informations as date, title, content etc. will be added. Additionally, I'm going to implement tags support.

Part three: Storing entries on HDD

Does writing a diary without a chance of saving it has any sense? I guess not, so the third part of first phase will pay the most of attention to class ldbBase, especially methods responsible for saving data to disk and loading it back. Another important goal of this part is to implement simple encrypting algorithm, which will make harder reading the diary by unauthorized people.

Part four: Testing

Speed ant correctness of working of the just implemented system should be tested. That will be the point of the last, fourth part of first phase. Of course, the code will be tested after every major change, but during this part testing and optimizing the database system will be the main goal.

Important note for people tracking changes in code directly: number of version 0.3.5 labels code after fifth part of third phase. Number 0.2.0 means that the first phase is done, but the next one hasn't started yet.

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